Horror 101 Podcast

Horror 101 Podcast

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Episode 149: Horror 101 - Episode 149: Motel Hell

On our 149th show we're going to back to 1980 to focus on a satirical horror starring Rory Calhoun and Nancy Parsons.    This film made the cover of Fangoria #9.  Ebert liked it much more than my crew did.  What's all that strange noise coming from inside Vincent's secret garden? ...  Show more

Episode 148: Horror 101 - Episode 148: House of Usher (Revisited)

We decided to stick with the Gothic Poe era for one more show.  On this 148th episode we're going back to revisit this 1960 film and re-covering the first Corman/Price feature.  We hope you enjoy as we give the Horror 101 treatment to House of Usher! Show hightlights: 01:00 Prelu ...  Show more

Episode 147: Horror 101 - Episode 147: Masque of The Red Death (1964)

On our 147th show we are once again paying homage to a recently lost treasure.  We lost Roger Corman at the age of 98.  The amount of talent that was realised through his projects is innumerable .  The man was a Hollywood Kingmaker.  Nobody could make a film as quick and as cheap ...  Show more

Episode 146: Horror 101 - Episode 146: City of the Living Dead

Welcome Horror 101 Listeners!  We have another podcast for you.  This time we're going back to 1980 and reaching into the Nasty Bag for another Italian Splatterfest.  Two episodes back we had such a good time covering Zombie from 1979, we decided to focus on another Fulci classic ...  Show more

Episode 145: Horror 101 - Episode 145: Late Night With The Devil

Greetings Horror Fans!  For our 145th episode we're spotlighting a new Australian film from the Cairnes Bros.  This is an excellent example of independent horror being done correct.  This movie has masterful performances and an authentic retro 70s style that delivers a tense and ...  Show more