The Thinking Muslim

The Thinking Muslim

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Will Gaza Change The World? With Sami Hamdi

How do we conceptualise where we are, the international situation and what comes next. To help us understand ourselves and the world, we are happy to invite back onto the Thinking Muslim our friend Sami Hamdi. Let me remind all viewers that to help us continue to engage critical ...  Afficher plus

Have our Student Islamic Societies failed Gaza? with Dr Ayo Khalil

At a time when the youth of the world are rising up for Gaza, it is probably not uncontroversial to say that Muslim students on university campuses are lagging behind. Dr. Ayo Khalil is a medical Doctor, community worker, and former student activist who spearheaded student politi ...  Afficher plus

The Party’s Over with Tasnime Akunjee

Until recently, lawyer Tasnime Akunjee was standing to be an MP in the British Westminster Parliament – standing in the seat of Bethnal Green and Stephney. I say until recently, because in order to prevent a split vote he did the honourable thing and stood down – sparking praise ...  Afficher plus

Muslims in an Age of Crisis with Ahmed Paul Keeler and Imam Tom Facchine

The Thinking Muslim team was honoured to host this exclusive event at Gatton Road Mosque, London with two lucid and outstanding thinkers. Ahmed Paul Keeler and Imam Tom Facchine discussed Muslims in an Age of Crises. Recording from 19th April 2024 Join our Patreon to get access t ...  Afficher plus

UK Muslims, Elections and the Power of Nightmares with Peter Oborne

Our guest this week has been dismayed at the negative media coverage given to Muslims who place Gaza as a voting concern. Terms like fifth column and insurrectionists have been evoked to claim the Muslim vote should be deeply feared. Peter Oborne writes principally for the Middle ...  Afficher plus