CHITHEADS with Jacob Kyle (Embodied Philosophy)

CHITHEADS with Jacob Kyle (Embodied Philosoph...

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Jain Philosophy Through its Primary Concepts with Shree Nahata

Jacob Kyle interviews Shree Nahata about the fundamental principles of Jain philosophy and how these principles are incredibly timely and insightful for modern times. To deepen your knowledge of yoga philosophy, grab our Yoga Philosophy Reading List, a curated PDF of all the book ...  عرض المزيد

Bhāva: A Theory of Imagination

In this episode of the podcast, we share an excerpt from the 30-Day Sādhana on the topic of bhāva, a Sanskrit word which has a number of different meanings, including emotion, being, becoming, and denotes a state of things that we bring into being through practice. It grounds a t ...  عرض المزيد

The Lineage of Immortals with Jason Birch

Jason Birch is a scholar of medieval haṭha yoga and a founding member of SOAS's Centre for Yoga Studies. His research includes locating and translating early yoga manuscripts, and preparing critical editions, such as of the Amaraugha. In this episode, Jason and Jacob discuss: wha ...  عرض المزيد

This Crack in Time with Shambhavi Sarasvati

Shambhavi Sarasvati is the spiritual director of Jaya Kula, a nonprofit community in Portland, Oregon. Her principle training is in the View and practices of Trika Shaivism—also called Kashmir Shaivism—and the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet.  Shambhavi is known for her humor and for ...  عرض المزيد

Ancient Greek Wisdom with Athena Potari

Athena Potari is a philosopher, spiritual teacher, and lineage holder of the Hellenic spiritual tradition. She is the founder of Athenoa – an Academy for Hellenic Wisdom in Greece, where Hellenism is approached as a living wisdom tradition whose core consists in the inextricable ...  عرض المزيد