Hidden Forces

Hidden Forces

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Finding Meaning and Purpose in a Solved World | Nick Bostrom

In Episode 366 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Nick Bostrom, the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute and Principal Researcher at the Macrostrategy Research Initiative. Nick Bostrom is also the author of Superintelligence, which was the book that ig ...  Afficher plus

The Fight Over Elon Musk’s $56 Billion Pay Package | Lawrence Fossi

In Episode 365 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Lawrence Fossi; Lawrence worked as a commercial trial attorney until 2011 and as the portfolio manager for a family office until 2020. He has written extensively about the automotive company Tesla at Seeking Alpha under ...  Afficher plus

China & the American Imperial Economy | Louis-Vincent Gave

In Episode 364 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Gavekal CEO Louis-Vincent Gave about de-dollarization, U.S. re-industrialization, and his case for a Chinese “deflationary boom” and revaluation of the renminbi. In the first hour of their conversation, Demetri asks Lou ...  Afficher plus

How to Invest in an Inflationary Recession | Paulo Macro & Le Shrub

In Episode 363 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with investors Paulo Macro and Le Shrub about their investment ideas, frameworks, and processes for identifying investment opportunities and managing risk. In the first hour, Demetri asks Paulo and Le Shrub about some of the ...  Afficher plus

How I Grew My Brain With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Scott Sherr

In Episode 362 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Dr. Scott Sherr, an expert in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, about how this transformative therapeutic can reverse aging, improve cardiovascular health, regrow brain tissue, and extend the length and quality of your life in ...  Afficher plus