Finding Mastery with Dr. Michael Gervais

Finding Mastery with Dr. Michael Gervais

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The Way of the Champion: How to Win Each Day | Sport Psychologist, Dr. Jerry Lynch

What defines a true champion? Is it winning? Or… is it a way of living?While winning games and striving to be the best are parts of it, there's so much more beneath the surface. It’s not just about the technical skills honed through relentless practice—rep after rep, day after da ...  Show more

Master What’s in Your Control | AMA Vol. 20 w/ Dr. Michael Gervais

Happy Monday! Today we’re excited to share Volume 20 of Finding Mastery’s Ask Me Anything. As always, we have so much fun during these AMAs – we love these conversations because we get to wrestle with the questions that matter most to you… and they inspire personal introspection ...  Show more

"You Are Stronger Than You Think" — How An Olympian Runner Went Up Against One of the World's Biggest Brands | Kara Goucher

What does it mean to have power, courage and integrity? We throw those words around a lot when talking about athletes or people we admire. Many times it’s justified – but how many truly possess these traits even when the chips are down? Today on the podcast is a human that embodi ...  Show more

Mindful Movement: How Mobility Work Can Transform Your Life | Scott Perkins

Movement—however you do it—is an essential part of being human. And I believe being able to move well, for as long as possible, is a staple of living “the good life.”That’s why I am excited to introduce a guest today who is committed to helping people do just that – Scott Perkins ...  Show more

How To Escape the Comparison Trap | Creator of 'FOMO', Patrick McGinnis

We all know about FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out. We’re scrolling through our social media feeds, and there it is: post after post of a friend who’s somewhere exotic, having a great time, or at an exciting new job… and we’re not. We can’t help but compare our lives with people ...  Show more