Bob Saget's Here For You

Bob Saget's Here For You

Release Date


Final Episode: Dane Cook | Bob Saget's Here For You

Comedian, actor, and long-time friend Dane Cook joins the podcast for its final episode. Dane shares his journey to the stage, opening up about his battle with social anxiety as a child and how his parents' personalities influenced his acts. Bob and Dane tackle a share of serious ...  عرض المزيد

Margaret Cho | Bob Saget's Here For You

Margaret Cho is an American stand-up comedian, actress, musician, fashion designer, and author. She is a proud Korean American who from her beginnings has discussed social and political problems, often regarding race and sexuality. I met Margaret years back in San Francisco and i ...  عرض المزيد

B.J. Novak | Bob Saget's Here For You

When B.J. Novak was 21 years old, he called my manager to see if I would want to be honored by being the guest performer of his school’s comedy show - that he hosted and wrote with other talented comedy seniors. I was extremely honored and it was then, 21 years ago, I got to meet ...  عرض المزيد

Aida Rodriguez | Bob Saget's Here For You

In November of 2021 the very first one hour special of Aida Rodriguez arrived on HBO Max, called, "Fighting Words". I watched it and was hooked. Obviously, years had gone into making a comedian this savvy and honest and, oh, yes, funny. She got to me on every level. This is a spe ...  عرض المزيد

Danny Burstein | Bob Saget's Here For You

As I’m writing these notes for the podcast, many Broadway shows are not able to come back right now because of the increasing Covid numbers. This podcast was recorded just a couple days ago before "Moulin Rouge!" had to shut down on Thursday and Friday, due to Covid found in the ...  عرض المزيد