Empathy Boost Podcast (同理同感)

Empathy Boost Podcast (同理同感)

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Episode 25 - 與成年子女的親子關係 / The relationship between parents and their adult children

黃一庭諮商心理師從他多年諮商大學生的專業和個人經驗,提醒父母在與成年子女溝通時,如何做到孩子在意的尊重以及和顏悅色的表達方式,以此促進良好的互動。 Mr. Oliver Huang, a counseling psychologist experienced in counseling college students, shares his insight on how to foster intimacy between parents and their adult children. In particular, he discusses com ...  Afficher plus

Episode 24 - 愛的疫苗選集:208 不要忽視孩子不滿的情緒,209 我可以不崩潰嗎?210 話不投機半句多。/ Select episodes from Love Vaccine: 208 Don’t overlook a child's disgruntled emotions; 209 Can I not be stressed out? ; 210 It’s pointless

愛的疫苗是艾青在微信公眾號識德心理諮詢公司的語音節目,2020年的2月首播至今,已播放200多集。其中包括各種人際關係和個人成長議題的探討,並以剖析社會事件分析心理狀態。 Love Vaccine is an audio program broadcasted by See the Door Psychological Consulting Company on Wechat, with more than 200+ episodes already produced. The program covers a variety of topics rel ...  Afficher plus

Episode 23 - 2020 愛你愛你 / Twenty Twenty Love You Love You

動盪的2020即將接近尾聲。在疫苗陸續接種的期待中,我們也需要一劑愛的疫苗,為你我的生活帶來和平與幸福。 The turbulent year of 2020 is approaching its end. As we anticipate the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, we also need a vaccine of love to bring peace and wellbeing into our lives. 

Episode 22 - 高齡的幸福 / Wellbeing of the elderly

新竹馬偕醫院心臟內科劉銘恩主治醫師提供我們7個獲致高齡幸福的法則,其中包括:(1)與人一起變老,(2)接受自己的限制,(3)學習面對死亡,(4)貢獻生命經驗,(5)學習放手,(6)面對孤單,(7)與昨日和好。 Dr. Ming En Liu, a cardiologist at Hsinchu Mackay Memorial Hospital, shares his 7 principles for how to conduct a satisfying “elderly” life. He uses the acronym ELDERLY to ill ...  Afficher plus

Episode 21 - 刻板印象和自我認同 / Stereotyping & self-identity

華裔家庭婚姻心理諮商師Melody 談她從翻閱兒時獲獎的一篇自製故事書中,反思自己如何突破刻板印象的自我認同障礙,並且找到身為亞裔和女性的自信。她也提到如何從花木蘭的卡通和電影中,觀察到了刻板印象對自我認同的影響。 Melody, an American-born Chinese and Marriage & Family therapist, shares how after many years, finding her self-made story book from childhood inspired her to reflect on ho ...  Afficher plus