The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast

The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast

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All Episodes

Episode 67: Food - Beyond Diet Cultures Perspective

Today Dr. Anderson reflects on how people can expand their perspective of food. Diet culture and eating disorder voice lead people to think of food in limited ways. She discusses how food offers so much more than diet culture and eating disorder-perspective can. She talks about: ...  Show more

Episode 66: Positive Nutrition and Food Neutrality with Paige Smathers

On this episode with Paige Smathers, we dive into gentle nutrition and the journey of recovery. Paige shares with us some ways that we can take back food in terms of nourishing our bodies and being present in our bodies. We also discuss: What practicing gentle nutrition may look ...  Show more

Episode 65: Tips for Navigating the Holidays with Dr. Janean Anderson

Dr. Anderson is here to chat about her top 7 tips for making it through the food-centric winter holidays while working on recovery. Here are those tips: Make a game plan Identify your backup squad Prioritize emotional self-care Eat normally throughout the day Be aware of scarcity ...  Show more

Episode 64: HAES Journey with Aaron Flores

I had the opportunity to sit down with Aaron Flores to discuss so many things that I care so deeply about. We chat about things like:   Aaron’s personal journey of body acceptance  The need for societal fat positivity  Some real life toxic effects of diet culture  The importance ...  Show more

Episode 63: Body Image with Jamie Magdic

In this episode with repeat guest, Jaime Magdic, we chat all about body image working during recovery. We discuss topics such as: Why body image work is crucial for a full recovery  What body image work in nutrition therapy looks like What the body image spectrum is What you may ...  Show more