akhbaraka deep dive

akhbaraka deep dive

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Opportunity at Expo 2020

After months of lockdowns and restricted travel, Expo 2020 is bringing the world together to reimagine the global economy. What's impressive about the opportunities set forward by the exhibition are the breadth of their focus. From youth to women, Expo 2020 is committed to b ...  عرض المزيد

Sustainability at Expo 2020

The sustainability pavilion at Expo 2020 will show the world that it is not only possible for nature to live in balance with humanity, but that it is also the pathway to a better quality of life for every person in every corner of the globe.  What perhaps hasn't been mention ...  عرض المزيد

It’s an ESG wrap

A sample walkthrough of what making a conscious investment looks like on a retail-investor level shows us how customizable the whole process is. Ultimately, conscious investing is less a virtue-signalling device and instead slowly becoming the status quo as the intersection betwe ...  عرض المزيد

Strategizing your way into conscious investing

Although rating systems and ESG-weighted financial instruments show that the conscious investing space has come a long way, the process is still deeply contextual. A sound conscious investment strategy involves figuring out how far you’re willing to go in terms of bringing in imp ...  عرض المزيد

The E, S, Gs of ESG

Having an idea of each component in the ESG framework provides us with a better understanding of how the criteria for conscious investing aren’t rigid. While the examples mentioned here are synonymous with conscious investing, they’re also not exhaustive — however, having a rough ...  عرض المزيد