Secret Sauce

Secret Sauce

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Listen Now: Blame it on the Fame: Milli Vanilli

When Frank Farian first laid eyes on Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan, he saw everything he wasn’t. They were handsome, young, and Black. But Frank had something they didn’t. He had power. So, Frank offered them a devil’s bargain. Almost overnight, Milli Vanilli’s debut album went five ...  Afficher plus

All Episodes

The Secret Sauce of Warren Buffett | Ingredient #1: Trusting Your Inner Scorecard | 1

Warren Buffett, like most hyper-successful business people, wasn't born a billionaire. Buffett was born during the Great Depression and watched his country suffer financially. At an early age, the business magnate begins studying financial trends and pinches pennies on his way to ...  Afficher plus

The Secret Sauce of Jony Ive | Ingredient #1: Fragile Ideas | 1

There might be no other product in the world more ubiquitous than one designed by Apple. Known for products with sleek features, classic design elements, and of course, their signature logo, Apple has a cult of fans that brandish their beloved purchases with a great deal of pride ...  Afficher plus

The Secret Sauce of The NBA Bubble | Ingredient #1: Authenticity | 1

An NBA game is canceled just moments before tip-off. As the thousands of fans file out of the stadium, It’s the first moment for many of the impact the global pandemic will have on the sports world. Enter NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, superstar LeBron James, and a group of proble ...  Afficher plus

The Secret Sauce of Airbnb | Ingredient #1: Shameless | 1

Imagine a world where you show up at a stranger’s house and ask to sleep on their bed in exchange for a few bucks. Strangely enough, millions of people around the globe have done just that with AirBnB. In this three-part series, Sam and John seek the recipe for how a couple of de ...  Afficher plus

Listen Now: Blame it on the Fame: Milli Vanilli

When Frank Farian first laid eyes on Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan, he saw everything he wasn’t. They were handsome, young, and Black. But Frank had something they didn’t. He had power. So, Frank offered them a devil’s bargain. Almost overnight, Milli Vanilli’s debut album went five ...  Afficher plus