Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast

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Paul Wachtel's Approach to Integrative Psychotherapy: Exploring Attachment, Anxiety, and the Disavowed Self

In this episode, we explore the innovative work of Dr. Paul L. Wachtel, a leading psychologist known for his integrative approach to psychotherapy. Dr. Wachtel challenges single-framework therapy models, advocating for a flexible approach that draws from cognitive-behavioral, psy ...  Show more

Sauna & Heat Exposure’s Impact on Mental & Physical Health

In this episode, we explore the history and science of heat therapy, from ancient Finnish saunas and Roman bathhouses to modern medical uses like hyperthermia for cancer and depression treatment. Learn about key studies, such as the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Study, that revea ...  Show more

Writing to Overcome Trauma and Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of expressive writing and explore how turning your trauma into a narrative can lead to real mental and physical benefits. Join us as we break down the science behind the Expressive Writing Paradigm and share groundbreaking resea ...  Show more

Eating Disorders: Empathy, Alexithymia, Reflective Function

Eating disorders are often understood through a medical or behavioral lens, focusing on symptom reduction. But what if we’ve overlooked something deeper—something rooted in the complex emotional lives of our patients? In this episode, Dr. Tom Wooldridge, a psychoanalyst and exper ...  Show more

Where Psychiatry Meets Politics: The Goldwater Rule

There is an extensive history of psychiatry and politics intersecting. Perhaps the most visible flashpoint occurred during the 1964 presidential campaign and gave rise to a movement in organized psychiatry that has resulted in issuance of formal ethical guidance (the “Goldwater R ...  Show more