Ma Ba3ref By Omar

Ma Ba3ref By Omar

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Nail Your Next Job Interview: Mastering the Toughest Questions Part 1 اتقن مقابلة العمل القادمة: كيفية الإجابة على أصعب الأسئلة

In today's podcast episode, we will address some of the most challenging interview questions and provide strategies on how to confidently and effectively answer them. We will discuss key questions such as "Tell me your story," where we will explore how to craft a compelling ...  Afficher plus

15 Signs of Toxic Manager - ١٥ علامة على المدير السام

Today's podcast episode discusses the troubling traits of a toxic manager. A poisonous manager is someone whose behavior can significantly hinder team morale and productivity. We explore key indicators, including micromanagement, where every minor detail is scrutinized exces ...  Afficher plus

The Golden Rules of True Leadership: What No One Tells You "القواعد الذهبية للقيادة الحقيقية: ما لم يخبرك به أحد"

In this podcast episode, we discuss the unspoken yet vital rules that define true leadership. Many people believe they understand these principles when, in reality, they do not. We explore key aspects such as handling criticism gracefully, practicing what you preach in teamwork, ...  Afficher plus

Rejecting a promotion رفض الترقية

In this podcast episode, we explore the complex decision of turning down a job promotion and the strategies for doing so professionally and respectfully. Sometimes, a promotion may not be the right fit for various reasons, such as poor timing, readiness, the nature of the role, o ...  Afficher plus

What not to Do to Enhance productivity ما لا يجب فعله لتعزيز الإنتاجية

In today's episode, we will be discussing  common habits that can negatively affect productivity. We will explore how seemingly harmless activities can actually hinder your efficiency and focus. The conversation will begin with impulsive web browsing, highlighting how unplan ...  Afficher plus