The Investor's Guide to China

The Investor's Guide to China

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The Investor's Guide to China: Shareholder return (#29)

The story of China's economy and stock market has long been one of rapid growth. But as policymakers pivot to focus on the quality - instead of the velocity - of growth, investors are turning their attention to something more long-lasting: shareholder returns. Dividends and buyba ...  عرض المزيد

The Investor's Guide to China: Cities and migration (#28)

Where people live within China - and why - is fundamental to understanding the country’s changing demographics. That, in turn, has important implications for the Chinese economy, consumption trends, and where investors should be looking. In this episode, Catherine Yeung, Investme ...  عرض المزيد

The Investor's Guide to China: China's bond market (#27)

In this episode, Catherine Yeung, Investment Director, and Marty Dropkin, Head of Equities, Asia Pacific, tackle a topic that often flies under the radar, but could in fact hold great potential for investors: China’s bond market. Investors focused on the stock market, and the cha ...  عرض المزيد

The Investor's Guide to China: Transition materials (#26)

In this episode, Catherine Yeung, Investment Director, and Marty Dropkin, Head of Equities, Asia Pacific, explore the critical role of transition materials — minerals and elements, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel, that are essential to developing and deploying clean energy te ...  عرض المزيد

The Investor's Guide to China: In conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave (#25)

In this special edition of The Investor’s Guide to China, Catherine Yeung, Investment Director, is joined in Hong Kong by Louis-Vincent Gave, the founder and CEO of Gavekal, a leading independent provider of global investment research. They tackle questions from the development o ...  عرض المزيد