Level Up With Sharelle and Dani

Level Up With Sharelle and Dani

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All Episodes

REWIND: Why we need to train to failure (or close to).

Training to failure or close to it, is vital for maximizing muscle growth and strength gains! Pushing muscles to their limits stimulates greater muscle fibre recruitment and metabolic stress, triggering adaptations for growth. It also fosters mental toughness and discipline, esse ...  Show more

Ep 196 - Demystifying Diet Myths: The Truth About What Works & What Doesn't

In this episode of Level Up Podcast, we dive deep into the complexities of nutrition. We explore why so many struggle with dieting and fail to see the results they expect, we debunk the common dieting myths and some effective strategies for goal setting. Tune in: (00:00) Introduc ...  Show more

REWIND: The Importance of Timing.

Trying to do everything at once means you won’t truly be good at anything. We dive into common reasons why people experience a quarter year dip in motivation and productivity. It's important to keep the main thing the MAIN thing and make choices based on longevity rather than exc ...  Show more

Ep 195 - The Success Illusion: Debunking Myths & Facing Hard Truths

In this episode we debunk common success myths and reveal the raw truths behind achievement. This episode peels back the curtain on the often-overlooked traits and mindsets that differentiate truly successful individuals from the crowd. Tune in: (00:00) Kicking off with a bold ta ...  Show more

REWIND: We don't all have the same 24 hours in a day.

Sure, we all have 24 hours in a day, but they are no where near the same as each other's. There are so many external factors, responsibilities and priorities that may impact and shape our day.In today's rewind, we remind you that you can still train when the day isn't perfect and ...  Show more