Intern John & Your Morning Show's War Of The Roses

Intern John & Your Morning Show's War Of The ...

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He Made Everyone Sign NDAs!

Tiffany and Chuck have been engaged for six months after dating each other for the past three years. Tiffany tells us that she is excited to marry Chuck, but she is worried about Chuck’s bachelor party in Vegas because they have had problems with Chuck and strippers in the past a ...  عرض المزيد

He Stopped Posting About Me!

Melanie and Brock have been dating each other for a little over eleven months after first matching on Tinder last year. Melanie tells us that for the most part things have been great even with Brock working late at night at the clubs he manages, but she is starting to notice that ...  عرض المزيد

We Didn't Go Out That Often!

Allie and Matt have been together for the past six months after being on and off again with one another for the past few years. Allie tells us that she knows Matt has always been a little bit of a player, which she has learn to accept this time in their relationship, but she is s ...  عرض المزيد

We Never Went To That Hotel!

Makayla and Bret have been dating for a little over a year after first meeting at a bar and are currently living with one another. Makayla tells us things have been great so far, but the other day Bret parked behind Makayla so she had to move his car and when she did she found an ...  عرض المزيد

He Wasn't Coming Home!

Rachel and Nick have been dating for a little over eight months and while things have been great for the most part, Rachel tells us that Nick has always been a flirt. For some reason she has also had a harder time getting in contact with Nick so she decided to share his location ...  عرض المزيد