Sex Stories

Sex Stories

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Sex, Trust & Money: GG’s Professional Sex Stories

GG shares how letting go of control and embracing her desires has led to living a life full of the work she wants to do: writing for Cosmopolitan magazine, revamping The Sexiest Deck Alive, and whatever erotic art her heart desires!  00:00 Why she adores co-working, thrills in cr ...  Show more

Filthy Rich In Love: GG’s Love Stories

GG returns to talk about LOVE! She shares her self-love practice, how she encourages others, and leaving poverty behind for a life of self-created filthy richness.  00:00 How a genderfluid lover and an increasing sense of safety are changing her perceptions of love04:49 Tips for ...  Show more

275 | Silly Is Sexy: Roy’s Sex Stories

Roy knows exactly what he does and doesn’t want—he shares about exploring gay sex as a bi guy, why affection is ultimately what gets him going, and his experiences as a client at Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada.  00:00 Freaking out during sex ed and enjoying blockbuster ...  Show more

Entangled with Fuckboys: Rebecca’s Update

Rebecca is back! Celebrating her newly released book, Sexcapades, she shares Bookstore Boy updates, how writing helped her find closure, and what led to one of the most erotic experiences she’s ever had.  00:00 Book release, taboo territory, and closure.10:06 Writing is hot and c ...  Show more

274 | Chaotic Hopeless Romantic: Scott’s Sex Stories

Scott muses on love, queerness, sex therapy, and discovering kink through play.  00:00 Romance vs vulnerability and being a hopeless romantic.12:40 Relationship goals, queer community, and tips for how to romance yourself.27:48 Being ambiamorous: feeling monogamous and poly with ...  Show more