Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories

Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories

Release Date


Dead Zone

While searching for her missing dog bot, Loki, Mary discovers fugitive geneticist Ethan camping in a restricted toxic reclamation area. After admitting to disabling Loki, he reveals he has a cure for Alzheimer's and is fleeing a corporation determined to prevent him from giving i ...  عرض المزيد

Obsession’s Algorithm

After discovering his tenant unconscious and his rental unit in disarray, Ralph starts piecing together an unbelievable story. While recovering in the hospital, his tenant Harper—a programmer and entrepreneur—reveals her obsession with Ada Lovelace and a surprising connection to ...  عرض المزيد

The Saturn Clipper

After recovering from severe injuries, Mateo is recruited to captain a mission to find and protect a rare, supposedly extinct arthropod discovered on the Caribbean sea floor in an area slated for commercial development. Aggressive ocean mining companies push Mateo and his crew to ...  عرض المزيد

The Alien’s Gift

To reignite interest in an interstellar flight to TRAPPIST 1, mission control has ordered its Captain to host a monthly live public question-and-answer show. As the questions progress, it becomes apparent that the ship is headed to a world with life. Despite uncertainties about t ...  عرض المزيد

Morally Complicit (Part 2)

After arriving in the crumbling remnants of a once-prosperous city, in pursuit of a fugitive involved in a scheme to steal genetically modified embryos, Agent Kenzo Tanaka keeps running into dead ends. His local partner, Carmen López from Synthbio Investigations, turns to drones ...  عرض المزيد