History Tea Time

History Tea Time

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LGBTQ Emperors of Ancient Rome

In Ancient Greece and the Roman empire homosexual relationships were an accepted and common practice. In this hyper-masculine society the male form was revered for its physical perfection while women’s virtue was jealously guarded to ensure the legitimacy of children. In Greece r ...  عرض المزيد

Was Queen Victoria illegitimate?

In recent years Queen Victoria's royal paternity has been called into question. Let’s take examine the evidence in this historic mystery. And take a look at the royal family tree to answer the question “If Victoria’s decedents aren’t the rightful monarchs of the UK, then who is?” ...  عرض المزيد

Debutantes & The Regency Social Season

From Jane Austen novels to Downton Abbey, to Bridgerton young debutantes dressed in white gowns with feathers in their hair curtsy before the Queen and then get down to the serious business of attending balls and bagging a rich husband. Debutantes balls and the London season have ...  عرض المزيد

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France was a naive young woman under a great deal of pressure and expectation. Her out-of-thouch excesses infuriated the people and contributed to the French Revolution and her downfall. Join me every Tuesday when I'm Spilling the Tea on History!Check o ...  عرض المزيد

Henry VIII's Mother & Grandmothers

Henry VIII’s is infamous for his relationships with women. The domineering King took 6 wives during his 36 years on the throne. And he disposed of them with as much scandal as he wooed them – Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. But three other women had an imp ...  عرض المزيد