Enter The Garden Kids

Enter The Garden Kids

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Engage your children to learn about values through the beauty of each animal in Ayden’s Garden and to become creative by discovering their hidden talents.Let your children explore stories of bravery around these characters alongside Ayden to engage their imaginations and uphold t ...  Show more

Stella the Sailfish

Special Name Power: Unbelievable powerful tuskFamous Saying: Your power is for the good.Task: You're powerful in every way.Values: Power 

Groovy the Gorilla

Special Name Power: Spiritual intelligenceFamous Saying: When you make a choice, make the smartest choice.Task: Do what is bestValues: Intelligence 

Scentina the Skunk

Special Name Power: Beautiful stinky sprayFamous Saying: You're beautiful in any way.Task: Don't think you're not beautiful.Values: Beauty 

Hugo the Hedgedog

Special Name Power: Spikes of trust Famous Saying: There are some things you have to trust.Task : You believe what you want to.Values: Trust