The Gospel Project for Kids Weekly Leader Training

The Gospel Project for Kids Weekly Leader Tra...

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Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids: Unit 33, Session 2—Paul Became a Missionary

The beginnings of Paul’s journey as a missionary in Acts 13–14 showcased the power and providence of God, even amid harsh persecution. From being sent out and set apart by the Holy Spirit to being wrongly celebrated as gods and experiencing mistreatment and stonings, Paul remaine ...  Show more

Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids: Unit 33, Session 1—Paul Became a Christian

The Acts 9 story of how Saul of Tarsus came to be a follower of Jesus is a widely known passage that reveals an essential truth for us as believers: God has the power to transform the hearts and lives of anyone who places their faith in Him. The power of the Holy Spirit changes.. ...  Show more

Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids: Unit 32, Session 5—We Are Part of One Church

The twelfth chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth is known for its role in encouraging the church body toward unity. Steering us away from division and partiality, this passage reminds us that we each have a role to play in Christ’s mission of sharing the gospel. Our ...  Show more

Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids: Unit 32, Session 4—Peter Was Rescued from Prison

Acts 12 tells the story of God’s divine and miraculous rescue of His apostle Peter. While King Herod sought to make an example of Peter, it was God alone who was able to showcase His power and might amidst the persecution of the church. This passage highlights the power of prayer ...  Show more

Weekly Leader Training for Preschool & Kids: Unit 32, Session 3—Gentiles Became Part of the Church

Acts 11 recounts the first time people were called “Christians” because they were recognized as followers of Jesus. In this passage, Peter was criticized by some of the believing Jews for going into the house of Cornelius and eating with Gentiles; however, these same critics late ...  Show more