Hello Blink Show

Hello Blink Show

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Goodbye for Now

Harris and I are sad to report that we have decided to shut down the Hello Blink Show. We had an incredible time creating the episodes, sharing knowledge about sales and marketing, and meeting amazing new people. We learned a lot from our guests, and we hope you did, too.We discu ...  Show more

Experiential and Nonsense Marketing with Christine Sunu

Nonsense marketing is the seemingly frivolous activities that marketers do that have a chance of “catching on” or “going viral.” For example, Wendy’s often provocative Twitter account is an example of nonsense marketing. It requires creativity and is often experiential.Christine ...  Show more

How to Run a Successful Livestream with Alessandro and Robert

In this episode, we talk to Alessandro Grande and Robert Wolff, who run the Arm Innovation Coffee livestream on YouTube (which you can check out here). They tell the story about how they joined forces about a year ago to create a weekly interview video series during the pandemic. ...  Show more

How to Build an Audience with Darian Johnson

Darian Johnson joins the Hello Blink Show crew for a live brainstorming session. He is working on a low-power, battery-operating LCD digital assistant. He plans to fund manufacturing through a crowdfunding campaign, but he needs help figuring out how to market the device first.Da ...  Show more

How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign with Julio and Sean

DescriptionSean talks about launching his product, EmotiBit, on Kickstarter. EmotiBit is a wearable biometric sensor used for research, engineering, and maker projects.Julio discusses what types of products do well in crowdfunding campaigns. For the most part, business-to-consume ...  Show more