Who Arted: Weekly Art History for All Ages

Who Arted: Weekly Art History for All Ages

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Raku (encore)

Raku bowls are humble. They are hand formed starting from a flat, circular base and coils built up around the sides. The process results in each piece being unique with evidence of the artist’s hand in the creative process. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. If you are thin ...  Show more

Jeff Koons | Pink Panther

Jeff Koons, born in 1955, displayed an early interest in art. As a teenager, he called Salvador Dali's hotel and arranged to meet the artist. He was inspired by Dali and went on to study art in college. Koons supported himself with various jobs, including working at the Museum of ...  Show more

Pencils (encore)

For today's mini episode, I thought it might be nice to change things up a little bit and cover the history of a medium rather than a specific artwork. Learn a little bit about pencils, what the numbers and letters mean, what is in the core of a pencil and how colored pencils dif ...  Show more

Julie Averbach | The Art of Trader Joe's

I have always been interested in "fine art" that makes the leap from museum walls to popular culture. I also think there is a lot of brilliant design happening in spaces and on things that we see so frequently we become blind to them. People rarely consider the work and the artis ...  Show more

David Lee Csicsko | Iconic Artists (part 2)

Writer and Illustrator, David Lee Csicsko, talks about Sister Corita Kent, Tamara de Lempicka and Lee Godie. All three artists are included in Csicsko's new book, Iconic Artists. The book covers 50 great artists and in this episode we talked about three great female artists. List ...  Show more