The Grove Community Podcast

The Grove Community Podcast

Release Date


Christology - Part 3: At All Times, At the Same Time

One of the most difficult doctrines to understand within Christology is the relationship of His divine and human nature. Is He half God and half man? Is he God sometimes and man at other times? The Bible is clear that Jesus is both God and man at all times, at the same time. 

Christology - Part 6: Raised To Life, Seated In Glory

"When Jesus ascended He went beyond the earthly atmosphere. When he entered Heaven, He was the triumphant Son of God who now was given "the glory" which He had with the Father "before the world was". But He wasn't simply returning to heaven to pick up where He left off when He ca ...  عرض المزيد

I Am Okay - Part 3: God Understands

So we are encouraged to come boldly to the throne of God who is gracious with all of our disorders, diseases, and afflictions. What we get when we do come to him with these things is his mercy, and his grace to help us when we need it most. 

Christology - Part 2: He Has Revealed God To Us

The incarnation of Jesus Christ is central to all Christian doctrine. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us". In other words, the Son of God who was from eternity became human, God became human. 

I Am Okay - Part 2: Power Over Your Mind

"Our thoughts lead to formulating our purposes which proceed to dictate our actions and our actions become character determining habits, shaping the life and setting the course for the future."