C-SPAN's The Weekly

C-SPAN's The Weekly

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Ross Perot’s Greatest Moments in the 1992 Presidential Debates

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to be included in the upcoming debate on CNN between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.There hasn’t been a third participant, an independent candidate, in a presidential debate in over three decades…. Since Ross Perot in 19 ...  Afficher plus

Netanyahu's Record-Breaking Four Speeches in Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited to address a Joint Meeting of Congress. It would be his fourth time. And that sets a few Congress records:The greatest number of official speeches in Congress by one foreign leader. His introduction by Speaker Mike Johnso ...  Afficher plus

George Bush Would Have Been 100 – And He Might Have Jumped Out of An Airplane

President George H.W. Bush would have been 100 years old. He was born June 12, 1924.And to mark that milestone birthday, he might have jumped out of an airplane.Like he did when he turned 75 … and 80 … and 85 … and 90.Why jump out of airplanes as he got older?Here’s what Presiden ...  Afficher plus

D-Day 80th Anniversary Presidents Speak at Normandy

Through the words of American presidents who have spoken over the years at Normandy, this week's episode of C-SPAN's podcast "The Weekly" marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. We hear presidents talk about American soldiers who fought there and died there.Some of the greatest and ...  Afficher plus

When Presidential Candidates Warned About “More of the Same”

“This debate tonight has made crystal clear a challenge that is as old as America — the choice between hope and fear, change or more of the same.”That was Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton – his closing statement in the October 11, 1992, presidential debate…“More of the same” – It’s ...  Afficher plus