Maverick Moves

Maverick Moves

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Good Men Don't have Friends!

There are times when you have other people around you who love you and support you. And there are times when you don't. And sometimes you just have no power over that. You can't control it.While ideally, you would not want this to happen.... It does.So what to do? The point that ...  Show more

Every Dies, But not Everybody Lives!

On your sofa and at your table, someone else will eat. Your house will experience intense discomfort maybe for a week, a month, or two or a year. After your story has been recorded in the memories, your life here among the people and on this planet will come to an end. So here's ...  Show more

Take a moment, make a decision!

They say that the undisciplined person becomes a slave to their emotions and sometimes you feel like your life is slipping through your fingers. So what are you missing?It's not uncommon for people to spend most of their time worrying about how to get ahead and be successful. But ...  Show more

New life!

It's time for change and Angelo has decided that it is time to lose the weight once and for all! Documenting his progress, he decided to share it with his listeners every week before moving on to other matters, as this is what matters the most now.. 

Mental Weight Vs Phisical Loss..

In this second episode, I analyze the reason behind gaining so much weight and is there a common factor amongst obese people beyond the obvious?How dark can it get before we allow the light to come back in?