Law Enforcement Talk: True Crime and Trauma Stories

Law Enforcement Talk: True Crime and Trauma S...

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Police In Baltimore, Four Gun Fights. Impact of TV News. Special Episode

Police In Baltimore, Four Gun Fights. Impact of TV News. Special Episode. The intense and often misunderstood world of a Baltimore Police Officer. This episode sheds light on the trauma and realities faced by cops in Baltimore, debunking the myths spread by TV news and social med ...  عرض المزيد

TV Show About Gangs, California Police Warnings. Special Episode

TV Show About Gangs, California Police Warnings. Retired L.A.S.D. Gang Expert talks about the alarming growth of violent criminal gangs across America. Retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) Sgt. Richard Valdemar, a renowned expert on gang violence. Tells shocking ...  عرض المزيد

Journey from Trauma Surgeon to Police Officer: His Amazing Story

Journey From Trauma Surgeon to Police Officer: His Amazing Story. We explore the remarkable journey an orthopedic trauma surgeon took and also became a police officer. He maintained his medical - surgical career including trauma care while also being a police officer. Based in th ...  عرض المزيد

Police, The Truth and Trauma, Scars and Protecting Victims.

Police, The Truth and Trauma, Scars and Protecting Victims. The Stark Reality of Sexual Assault. Truth and Trauma: Investigating Sexual Assault In the US, someone is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. Over one-third of women have experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking ...  عرض المزيد

Are CSI Television Shows Unrealistic, Solving Real Violent Crimes With Fingerprint Analysis.

Are CSI Television Shows Unrealistic, Solving Real Violent Crimes With Fingerprint Analysis. Have popular television shows and movies about crime scene technicians and forensics corrupted public perception with misinformation? What do Hollywood and television get wrong about crim ...  عرض المزيد