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how to make better choices

After reading for a little bit after the semester has come to an end, I have had time to think about my actions and how it makes me feel. Have you ever felt bad for making a choice that doesn't resonate with you? I'm no stranger to that as well. 

take your time : A Rainy Day Reflection (comparison, potential, people pleasing, and work)

I think the title says it all, just a chat on a rainy day about taking time until your next big adventure. I reflect upon how much has changed and think to myself about what's happened as of recent 

how to not be stubborn

inspired by all my conversations recently, i’ve learned a lot of new things about how i act, and i definitely act stubborn. it’s interesting to see it in third person when i reflect, and so i’ll take you on the journey and explain how to be not stubborn 

seek discomfort

I was reflecting upon all my adventures recently and all that had to do with being somebody that I was not. Yup, you heard it right most of the time. I act as a person who I'm not because I want to step outside my comfort zone and try something different. Because my rule is that ...  Show more

im overwhelmed

The past few weeks have felt weird. I’ve been quite literally doing nothing because I was sick and it really gave me time to reflect on what I was so focused on. but with that I had so many things that I still wanted to do and things that I committed myself to doing but I realize ...  Show more