The Purpose 2 Platform Podcast with Patrice Washington

The Purpose 2 Platform Podcast with Patrice W...

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Stepping Into Purpose

Are you trying to chase purpose and feel like you’re being met with endless trials and challenges? As you step into purpose I want you to keep four things in mind: Resistance, Confidence, Alignment, and Audience.   When it comes to pursuing purpose, expect to always be met with r ...  Show more

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you often find yourself unable to receive compliments or refusing opportunities that you know you’re qualified for? Do you overwork yourself to prove your worth?   These actions are a clear sign that you may be suffering from imposter syndrome. If you’re not familiar with the ...  Show more

Greatness Requires Community

When I considered the idea of launching my Purpose 2 Platform coaching program,  I wanted to provide women with stellar coaching and quality content, backed by a sisterhood and community that could carry them through the journey. I’ve witnessed so many women gain clarity and conf ...  Show more

Progress Beats Perfection

When I think of progress and perfection, I can’t help but think of the story about the Tortoise and the Hare. If you remember this childhood classic, the Hare judged the Tortoise based solely on speed and challenged the Tortoise to a race.   From the outside looking in, one could ...  Show more

Pursuing Purpose After Trauma

I don’t believe any of us can truly walk in purpose until we deal with our childhood trauma. We fail to realize how much our past trials and experiences shape us into the men and women that we are today and we have to push past trauma in order to fully utilize our God given gifts ...  Show more