Weekly Energy Boost

Weekly Energy Boost

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All Episodes

Soul Synergy: Deeper Connections with Ourselves and Others

Join us as we unravel the secrets to fostering deep connections and cultivating meaningful relationships, through creating soulful synergy in various aspects of life, including relationships, friendships, and collaborations.  We know we are our own greatest enemy, so how do we ch ...  Afficher plus

Loosening Up: Finding Freedom With and Without Routine

All of us run a risk of missing potential blessings when we become too rigid or fixed in their beliefs.  The month of Taurus invites us to examine our comfort zone when it comes to structure and discipline. Routine has its place in spiritual practice,  has long as we’re aware of ...  Afficher plus

You Are More Than Just a Drop in the Ocean

Do YOU know who you REALLY are? This week the universe wants to show you! The work this week is to make sure you're paying attention to and  working on aligning your actions with your desires and intentions to manifest your fullest potential. Tools like giving without agenda, con ...  Afficher plus

Soul Contracts with Our Parents and In-Laws

It's time for Weekly Energy Boost to break down complex family relationships, particularly with in-laws. The kabbalists place importance of making an effort to connect with one's parents and one's partner's parents, showing love and appreciation towards them, and understanding th ...  Afficher plus

Stop People Pleasing Forever: Break Free

Most of us, consciously or unconsciously, are motivated by making other people happy, which can be a noble effort toward making the world and individual lives better.  However when people pleasing causes us to betray ourselves and deny our needs, it becomes an unhealthy cycle, so ...  Afficher plus