Cup o' Go

Cup o' Go

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Don't skip the gym! 🏋️ And interview Alice Merrick, UX researcher on the Go team

📝 Go 1.23: Interactive release notesNew proposalsruntime: add AddCleanup and deprecate SetFinalizer👉 weak: new package providing weak pointers💪 Bufstream enters public betaLightning RoundProfiling in Go: A Practical Guide by Noam YadgarCogent Core initial releaseNew RansomHub ...  Show more

🇰🇪 yield(RC2, 1st GopherCon in Africa, LLMs, Dreams of code, and more)

News this week:🆕 rc2 is out Google Groups noticeThe actual Merge List🇰🇪 GopherCon Africa Oct 18-19Does Go benefit more from copilot than other languages?Range-over-func demystifiedZach Musgrave's post from dolthub; Go range iterators demystifiedJohn's take on it; First impress ...  Show more

⏲️ ⚡️ That feeling when your timer returns the wrong time & new 🌩️ lightning round!

Conferences & CFPs🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ Jaipur🇩🇪 Fyne Conf, Sept 20 @ BerlinCFP open until Aug 16🇸🇬 GopherCon Singapore, October TBDCFP open until Aug 19Go 1.23 dra ...  Show more

The Go release that was completely Expected, conferences, and cookies! 🍪🍪🍪

Go 1.22.5 & 1.21.12 releasedConferences🇮🇱 GopherCon Israel, Sept 9 @ Tel AvivCFP open until Jul 15🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, NoCFP open until Sept 15🇮🇳 GopherCon India, Dec 1 @ JaipurNew proposal: include abandoned packages in list of deprecationsBlog post: gRPC: The Good Parts by Ke ...  Show more

🎹 As simple as Do, Re, Mi, Go 1.23 (rc1), baby, you and me!

Visit our homepage - - for links to our Patreon, Store, past episodes, and more.🚢 Releases1.23 RC1 released1.22.5 & 1.21.12 pre-release announcementProposals1️⃣ Accepted: cmd/gofmt: change -d to exit 1 if diffs exist🆕 Accepted: list deprecations and newer available d ...  Show more