Story of Hope

Story of Hope

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ELIE SARKIS: The Shock of disappearance – صدمة الاختفاء

‏The professional in Psychology Elie Sarkis highlights the psycho-social challenges that the families of the missing and forcibly disappeared face and the support that the psychological support services activities provide to them. 

NAYLA GEAGEA: The journey of LAW 105 مسار القانون ١٠٥

‏Lawyer Nayla Geagea raises awareness on the fundamentals of Law 105 and its importance for the families of the missing and for the Lebanese people in general and highlights the role of the National Commission and the challenges facing it. 

GHASSAN HALAWANI: Art for awareness – الفن في سبيل التوعية

‏Director Ghassan Halawani discusses the role of art in supporting and raising awareness about the cause of the missing and forcibly disappeared. 

SAHAR MANDOUR: The media and the missing cause  الإعلام وقضية المفقودين

‏Journalist and novelist Sahar Mandour presents the role of journalism in raising awareness on the issue of the missing and the importance of ethics in covering such a sensitive and confidential topic. 

CHARLES HAYEK: History of conflict and the missing cause – تاريخ النزاع وقضية المفقودين

‏Prof. Charles Hayek discusses the history of conflict in Lebanon, how it led to cases of disappearances and why the failure to deal with the past has prevented us from moving forward.