God Talk with Tera

God Talk with Tera

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On Triumphalism | God Talk with Tera

On Triumphalism sermon Luke 22:31-34;  Daniel 3:16-28; Acts 12 In our social media driven society where memes are the norm and thoughts are short, it is critical that Christians pay attention to the messages we send. Where a full understanding of victory in Christ leads to freedo ...  Afficher plus

On Drowning | God Talk with Tera

On Drowning sermon Romans 1:18-32; 2:1-4 With the goodness of God and the Gospel of Jesus as the beginning, the list of sins Paul shares in Romans reads in a different light. Not laundry list for us to vindicate our thoughts on “them” nor a screed against sinners, it is instead a ...  Afficher plus

On Beginnings | God Talk with Tera

On Beginnings sermon God is the hero of Scripture, and He introduces Himself before He reveals anything else in creation. When we prepare to look at understand sin, we must see it in the context of the whole story, beginning with God’s goodness in creation and ending with His red ...  Afficher plus

On Identity | God Talk with Tera

On Identity sermon Romans 1 The enemy of our soul is a thief out to steal our identity in Christ. When he asks, “Who do you think you are?” we need to know we are called to belong to Jesus. This is the first in the sermon series on Romans. Join the Wake-Up Call community by subsc ...  Afficher plus

On Shame | God Talk with Tera

On Shame sermon Song of Songs 2:14; 5; 1 Corinthians 4:14; Isaiah 54:3-5; Romans 1 The Wake-Up Call – Romans 1:1-7 Fear Is a Liar – Zach Williams The post On Shame | God Talk with Tera appeared first on Authentic Witness.