Future Skills: Conversations with Visionary Leaders

Future Skills: Conversations with Visionary L...

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Future Skills: Conflict Resolution & Personal Branding

Key Points: 1. Why Set Big Goals? - Not for what you get, but for who you become. 2. Importance of Self-Discipline - Consistency and commitment are key. 3. Applied Knowledge - It’s not enough to learn; you must act. 4. Embracing Change and Overcoming Fear - The courage to be hone ...  Show more

Future Skills: Making HR Relevant

Welcome to this podcast, where we explore the transformative world of HR in the 21st century. Join us as we dive into what it means to be "relevant" in today's fast-paced business environment. We'll uncover the essential skills HR leaders need to navigate People Ops and shape the ...  Show more

Future Skills: Build your strategy

Step into the future with our latest podcast episode, where we unravel the secrets to success in a rapidly changing world! 

Future Skills: Promote Diversity Within Your Business

In this episode, we address these critical questions:- How can diversity and inclusion be leveraged to grow your business?- What are the essential skills required to navigate a diverse environment successfully?- What strategies can be implemented to foster a culture of diversity ...  Show more

Future Skills: Building a Sustainable Future

In this podcast, our discussion with Cédric Turini; Executive CSR Director revolves around the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into organizational culture, the pivotal challenges and trends facing businesses in the realm of CSR, the unique contributions of co ...  Show more