This Is Not a Watermelon | Palestinian History & Culture

This Is Not a Watermelon | Palestinian Histor...

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Justice in Palestine... But For Whom? | Victor Kattan

This episode was recorded on May 21st, 2024 at 5pm Palestine time.Victor Kattan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham School of Law, where he is writing a book on apartheid as a crime against humanity. He was previously awarded consecutive postdoctoral awards ...  Show more

The British Betrayal of Palestine | Salman Abu Sitta

Dr Salman Abu Sitta was born in 1937 in Ma‘in Abu Sitta, in the Beersheba district of Mandate Palestine. An engineer by profession, and the founder and president of the Palestine Land Society, he is most known for his ground-breaking research project mapping of Palestine in the 2 ...  Show more

A Transnational Atlas for Palestinian Literature | Refqa Abu-Remaileh

This episode was recorded on March 20th at 4:15pm Palestine time.Refqa Abu-Remaileh is a professor of Modern Arabic Literature and Film at the Freie Universität Berlin's Arabic department, specializing in Palestinian literature and film. She is the Principal Investigator of the E ...  Show more

A Moment of Becoming: Understanding Palestine Through Its Art | Yazid Anani

On this episode of This is Not a Watermelon podcast, we sit down with Yazid Anani to discuss Palestinian art, curation, and the role of artists and their work in redefining Palestine and the lexicon used to describe the Zionist project and Israeli occupation.Starting with the Qat ...  Show more

RERUN: Visualizing Palestine | Creating Narrative Interventions

This episode of This is Not a Watermelon is a re-run of a conversation recorded on June 7, 2021 with three of Visualizing Palestine’s team members: Ramzi Jaber, Ahmad Barclay and Jessica Anderson. We are re-running this episode at a time when Visualizing Palestine’s work is more ...  Show more