Private Talk with Dr. Lea

Private Talk with Dr. Lea

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Miscarriage: A personal insight into pelvic and mental health

‏I'm sharing my story on miscarriage on this podcast because I believe it might help someone out there. If you're feeling alone, unsure of what to expect, or just need to hear from someone who's been there, I hope my experiences as a mom and a pelvic floor therapist can provide s ...  Show more

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Miscarriage: A personal insight into pelvic and mental health

‏I'm sharing my story on miscarriage on this podcast because I believe it might help someone out there. If you're feeling alone, unsure of what to expect, or just need to hear from someone who's been there, I hope my experiences as a mom and a pelvic floor therapist can provide s ...  Show more

Women's Day Special: Your Pelvic Floor Throughout Your Lifespan

‏Join us for a special Women's Day podcast where we discuss the less-talked-about changes that women undergo, from period pain to pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and menopause. This private conversation with me, Dr. Lea, offers insights into pelvic floor health throughout a woman ...  Show more

Becoming a Pelvic Floor Therapist & Overcoming Vaginismus

‏In 2014, I packed my bags and traveled to the United States to specialize in pelvic floor therapy. And, for the first time, I'm opening up about my experience with vaginismus. We'll dive into the challenges I faced and the ways I overcame them, all with the hope of providing a b ...  Show more

Journey Through Pregnancy: Your Pelvic Health From First Trimester to Childbirth

‏This episode guides you through the stages of pregnancy. It includes Dr. Lea's personal experiences, physical changes, trimester-specific tips, and insights on pelvic health. The episode discusses the joy and nervousness of the first trimester, the 'honeymoon' phase of the secon ...  Show more