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Achieve Financial Freedom in 2024 (Money Affirmations + Hacks)

Many folks dream of achieving financial freedom—it's all about taking charge of your money, getting rid of debt, and feeling secure about your finances. But lots of people aren't sure how to start on this journey.In this episode of the WELLTALK Podcast, Svetlana Deshais (Senior W ...  Show more

Dubai's Top HR voice on Employee Wellbeing (Workplace Culture + Relocation to Dubai)

In this episode of the WELLTALK Podcast, we discuss with Jodi Thompson (Dubai's Top HR voice) her thoughts on all things employee wellbeing, workplace culture, relocating to Dubai, and how she practices wellbeing in her daily routine.If you are a business leader who aspires to bu ...  Show more

How to Manage Sleep as a Busy Professional (Improve quality & quantity)

More than 40 % of UAE residents sleep less than 6 hours per night, mainly because of stress, according to a survey conducted in March as part of World Sleep Day. Dr. Omi Narayan, Director of Sleep Medicine at American Hospital, Dubai shares tips about the importance of sleep. - S ...  Show more

Positive Psychology: How to Deal with Difficult Co-workers (Tips + Scenarios)

Do you have a difficult co-worker story? Chances are you do! Myers-Briggs Company's Conflict at Work survey found that 36% of workers report dealing with conflict often, very often, or all the time. A difficult colleague: - Harms mental health - Decreases productivity - Creates a ...  Show more

The Impact of Movement on Overall Health

If you were told that you cannot lose any more weight from working out, would you still do it?Is there more to physical fitness than just hitting the gym or counting steps? Can slouching ever be a good thing? In this episode of WellTalk, Faris and Kai talk about the impact of mov ...  Show more