Media Majlis Museum Podcast

Media Majlis Museum Podcast

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When Did Arabic Start | Ahmad Al-Jallad

Classical Arabic, MSA, and Fusha — all names that the Arabic language goes by. This conversation with Professor Ahmad Al-Jallad takes us through the origins and evolution of the Arabic language. Tracing back to the pre-Islamic and Nabatean Aramaic history through to the modern da ...  Show more

All Episodes

When Did Arabic Start | Ahmad Al-Jallad

Classical Arabic, MSA, and Fusha — all names that the Arabic language goes by. This conversation with Professor Ahmad Al-Jallad takes us through the origins and evolution of the Arabic language. Tracing back to the pre-Islamic and Nabatean Aramaic history through to the modern da ...  Show more

The Limits of My Language Are the Limits of My World | Amal Ali

How does language affect the way we see the world? This is the question that the upcoming exhibition at the Media Majlis Museum "The limits of my language are the limits of my world" seeks to address. For the first episode of this podcast powered by afikra, we sat down with Amal ...  Show more