How memes drive misinformation

How memes drive misinformation

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Avril Benoît: Is ignoring humanitarian law the new norm?

Hospitals are supposed to be safe havens in a war. But Avril Benoît, the U.S. executive director for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says that's not the case in places including Sudan, where this week marks a year since the start of a brutal civil war. More than 14,000 people there ...  Show more

Duncan McIntyre: Electrifying school bus fleets

The majority of U.S. school buses today are diesel, emitting pollutants harmful to the environment and to kids. Highland Electric Fleets is behind the largest electric school bus project in America, and its founder and CEO says the buses are healthier, quieter, and a cost savings ...  Show more

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111: Helen Fisher on The Anatomy of Love
The Couples Therapist Couch

Why do we love in the first place? Why do we choose the partners we choose? What happens in the brain when people fall in love? These are all questions that Helen Fisher has spent her career answering.  Helen E. Fisher, PhD  is a biological anthropologist, and Senior Research Fel ...  Show more

Love In The Time Of COVID: How We Date Is Changing
Consider This from NPR

We're still learning how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting us emotionally and socially. Experts believe we will be seeing and analyzing its effects for years to come. But, thanks to popular online platforms, we do have some data on single people, their dating preferences and ...  Show more

Dr. Helen Fisher - Your Brain on Love: How It Finds It & How to Keep It

We look into our brains to answer if True Love is real? How to find a mate? Keep one? Do opposites really attract? Our guest is Dr. Helen Fisher, anthropologist, an expert on the neuroscience of love, and the Chief Science advisor of She’s seen it all lately- from the ...  Show more

The Dating Brain in the Digital Age
Chasing Life

Online dating has changed the way we approach and pursue relationships. Like so much in modern life, potential partners are at the mercy of an algorithm that decides who we interact with. But has technology actually changed what we’re looking for? Can attraction and desire be pre ...  Show more