62: Currycels, Ricecels, & Strict Asian Parents

62: Currycels, Ricecels, & Strict Asian Paren...


108: Radically Genuine w/ Dr. Roger McFilln (@DrMcFillin)

If any of you listened to the trailer I dropped a couple weeks ago, for We Met Online: Season 2, you might recognize the voice of today’s guest, Dr Roger McFillin. Or you might recognize it from his own show, The Radically Genuine Podcast, which ranks in the top 2% of downloads w ...  عرض المزيد

107: The Transmaxxing Manifesto w/ Vintologi

Today’s episode is with Vintologi, the founder of the eponymous "religion" and author of the Transmaxxing Manifesto. It was recorded in July of 2021 if certain references are out of date. It was certainly interesting to revisit after my recent episode with Tina, on The TRANSMaxxi ...  عرض المزيد