Theme from "Close Encounters of the Third Kin...
The Riverfront Studio Orchestra
Autres Versions
Theme from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
The Riverfront Studio Orchestra
Greatest Themes & Songs from Award Winning Movies
Plus de l'album "The Best of Movie Soundtracks"
Theme from "Dracula" (Main Title and Storm Sequence)
Movie Sounds Unlimited
The Best of Movie Soundtracks
Theme from "Under Siege"
The Riverfront Studio Orchestra
The Best of Movie Soundtracks
Theme from "The English Patient"
Movie Sounds Unlimited
The Best of Movie Soundtracks
Theme from "The Last of the Mohicans"
The Riverfront Studio Orchestra
The Best of Movie Soundtracks
Theme from "Alien 3" (Agnus Dei)
The Riverfront Studio Orchestra
The Best of Movie Soundtracks