Matanga Ya Mobido
Grand Kalle
Autres Versions
Matanga ya mobido
Grand Kalle, L'African Jazz
Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz 1961-1962 (Merveilles du passé, vol. 2)
Matanga ya mobido
L'African Jazz & Grand Kallé
Merveilles du passé, Vol. 2
Plus de l'album "Joseph Kabasele and the Creation of Modern Congolese Music, Vol. 1"
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Grand Kalle
Joseph Kabasele and the Creation of Modern Congolese Music, Vol. 1
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Grand Kalle
Joseph Kabasele and the Creation of Modern Congolese Music, Vol. 1
Grand Kalle
Joseph Kabasele and the Creation of Modern Congolese Music, Vol. 1
African Jazz
Grand Kalle
Joseph Kabasele and the Creation of Modern Congolese Music, Vol. 1