09 - Gasping

09 - Gasping

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10 - Hurting

There's really only one thing to talk about this week: The Verdict.  What does it mean for me? What do my tears mean? Follow the podcast on Twitter: @AAisALWAYSANGRY.  You can email your ideas for future topics to AAisAlwaysAngry@gmail.com. Please don't forget to rate and review ...  Show more

08 - Tangent #2

Are you angry yet? Well, this might just push you over the edge.  This week is a little bit of controlled chaos.  I’ve got a few ideas that are in my head, so I’m just going to let them go and see what happens. Follow the podcast on Twitter: @AAisALWAYSANGRY.  You can email your ...  Show more