Satan's Lawyer 302: The sense of humour is the worst sense! (with Alexei Toliopoulos)

Satan's Lawyer 302: The sense of humour is th...

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Satan's Lawyer 401: "Maybe having kids in 2023 is actually fine??"

You heard correctly: we're finally back for season 4! And now that Ivan, Andrey AND Satan all have sons, they circle the wagons to vigorously defend that position. Also, Andrey makes a scene at a pancake house (you gave him a year, what did you think would happen), and Ivan burgl ...  Show more

Satan's Lawyer: The Long Lost Season 3 Holiday Special

Believe it or not, last year we DID record a finale for Season 3, and believe it more/less or not, HERE IT IS. Next month, finally a return to your regularly scheduled programming. Only better. And in HD.  PS: This episode includes a BONUS APOLOGY WITH FIONA