Episode 14: A Giant from the Sequoias, Head Coach Travis Burkett

Episode 14: A Giant from the Sequoias, Head C...

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EP: 508 - Coach Softley -Lubbock Christian School

Coach Softley, head coach and athletic director at Lubbock Christian School, focuses on building a strong culture and developing mentally and physically tough young athletes. He emphasizes respect, discipline, and hard work to create an environment where student-athletes can thri ...  Show more

EP:507 - Coach Huey - Iron Sharpens Iron

 Twitter: @CoachHuey Website: Coachhuey.com Show Sponsor: @nanabearsminidonuts Brandon Houston was named the Athletic Director and Head Football Coach at Taylor High School in March, 2021. Coach Houston has over 25 years of coaching experience. He has been a coordinator for over ...  Show more