Cuncti Simus Concanentes "Let Us Sing Togethe...
More from "Tota Pulchra ('All Fair')" album
Tota Pulchra Es "You Are Most Fair" (4th C, biblical) (feat. Liliane Cromer & SCU vocal ensemble)
Ave Maria, O Lord, Most Holy, Op. 438 (19th C, Franz Abt) (feat. Liliane Cromer)
Bendita Sea Tu Pureza "Blessed Be Your Purity" (Mexican prayer) (feat. Liliane Cromer & Nadya Dabuzhskaya)
Slumber Song of the Madonna (20th C, Michael Head) (feat. Frances Peterson)
Vergin, Tutto Amor "Virgin, Full of Love" (18th C, Francesco Durante) (feat. Liliane Cromer & George Barth)