Sweet Jane (Broadcast 1984)
Lou Reed (Featuring David Bowie)
Other Versions
Sweet Jane
Lou Reed
Between Thought And Expression
Sweet Jane
Lou Reed
Audio Violence '89 (The Legendary Boston Broadcast)
Sweet Jane
Lou Reed (Featuring David Bowie)
American Horror Story - (Apocalypse) - The Rock-A-Bye Baby Playlist
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DJ Intro (Broadcast 1984)
Lou Reed (Featuring David Bowie)
Live Broadcast 3rd October 1984 Agora Ballroom
I'm Waiting for the Man (Broadcast 1984)
Lou Reed (Featuring David Bowie)
Live Broadcast 3rd October 1984 Agora Ballroom
Martial Law (Broadcast 1984)
Lou Reed (Featuring David Bowie)
Live Broadcast 3rd October 1984 Agora Ballroom