Quicksteps: A Man's a Man for A' That - My Lo...
Plus de l'album "Scottish Pipe Band Music"
Quicksteps: Scotland the Brave - Nut Brown Maiden - Jenny's Baubee
6/8 Marches: Midlothian Pipe Band - Macdonald's Awa' Tee the War - Muckin' O Geordie's Byre
Strathspeys & Reels: Hsilan' Whisky - Hot Punch - Raven's Rock - Inverinate House
Slow Air & March: The Dark Island - Caberfeidh
Gaelic Aires, Hornpipe & Jig: The Waters of Kylesku - Mull of the Bens - Mary with the Witching Eyes - The Boys of Blue Hill - Paddy's Leather Breeches