Tomorrow, Who Cares? (A Woman's Choice)
Ruth Etting
Plus de l'album "Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)"
No Man's Mama (A Woman's Choice)
Ethel Waters
Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)
Doin' What I Please (A Woman's Choice)
Adelaide Hall
Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)
Ships That Pass In The Night (A Woman's Choice)
Frances Mae Maddux
Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)
Is There Anything Wrong With That? (Harpies In Sheep's Clothing)
Annette Hanshaw
Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)
My Man Is On The Make (Harpies In Sheep's Clothing)
Ben Selvin & His Orchestra
Woman With Attitude: Pioneer Women's Libbers & Other Threats to Civilization (A Woman's Choice)