Main Title and Calvera (From "The Magnificent...
Elmer Bernstein
Other Versions
Main Title and Calvera
Elmer Bernstein
The Magnificent Seven (John Sturges's Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Recommended Songs
Ennio Morricone
Frantic (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Flavio, re de' Longobardi, HWV 16, Act 2: "Rompo i lacci" (Guido)
Philippe Jaroussky
Passion Jaroussky
The Cave Of Swimmers
Academy of St Martin in the Fields & Gabriel Yared
The English Patient (Original Soundtrack Recording)
Lawrence & Body Guard
Maurice Jarre
Lawrence of Arabia
Main Titles (From "The Mask Of Zorro")
The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
The Music of James Horner