From London 2 Paris (140 Bpm - Jump 16/16 / 8...
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Plus de l'album "Gym Cycle (Ideal for Excercise Bikes, Spinning and Indoor Cycling) & DJ Mix"
Dive Right In (128 Bpm - Warming up Seated Run / 60-70% Hf Intensity)
Gives Me Statisfaction (128 Bpm - Seat Climbing / 70-75 Hf Intensity)
Scared to Be Lonely (140 Bpm - Seat Standing Climbing / 75-80% Hf Intensity)
Let's Celebrate (Lady Love) [130 Bpm - Walk / Run / 75-80% Hf Intensity]
Shake That Booty (128 Bpm - Seat Climbing / 70-75% Hf Intensity)